Lending Awareness
The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful for any person or entity whose business includes making loans for purchasing, constructing, improving, or repairing a dwelling to discriminate against any person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of such a transaction, because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.
Examples of Fair Lending Violations:
- A lender may not deny a pregnant borrower a mortgage because she will be going on maternity leave or delay giving her a loan until she returns to work.
- A lender may not require a borrower with Social Security Disability Income to provide medical records or a doctor's verification as proof of a continuing disability.

Northwest Fair Housing Alliance provides the following fair lending education and investigation services in Eastern and Central Washington:
- Providing home owners, mortgage brokers and originators, real estate brokers, and housing counselors education and outreach about fair lending and fair lending laws
- Investigating and advocating for complaints of unfair lending in Eastern and Central Washington.